Taken from the book…
- Chaos: Lack of interaction between entities.
- Content: Value (on ideal systems) or matter (in nature) that is transferred from one entity to another in order to interact.
- Development: One of the two possible applications of a content ingestion: the content is incorporated to the structure of the system and starts interacting with it.
- Dimension: Approach of contents processing.
- Dissipation: Decrease of order in dimensional scale.
- GST: General Systems Theory. Focuses on the system, the whole and permanent relations.
- Horizontal Interaction: Interaction with systems on the same dimensional scale of existence.
- Intelligence: Mechanism that directs the performance of the system towards perstability.
- Interaction: Exchange of contents between two entities.
- LFR: Local (for the local entity) Final (after the end of the interaction) Result (integration of all dimensional values).
- Nonlinearity: Distinctive feature of interactions as a difference to relations.
- Order: Dimensional arrangement that exists due to interaction. No interaction means no order.
- Organization: Increment of dimensional scale order.
- Perstability: Dynamic state that causes a system to persist continuously along time. The comprehensive meaning of the word life which includes all natural entities that persist along time.
- Processing: The second possible application of a content ingestion: Contents are transformed and will not be incorporated as part of the structure.
- Pull competition: Competition focused on the best LFR for the contender. Powerful chaos generator. Controls overpopulation by generating chaos on excedent entities.
- Pull interaction: Type of interaction where the reaction to stimulus is performed by adding chaos to the outmost higher scale of existence.
- Push competition: Competition focused on the best LFR for the group. Powerful population generator. Controls underpopulation by generating development of lacking entities.
- Push interaction: Type of interaction where the reaction to stimulus is performed by applying internal capabilities.
- Relation: Interaction that has reached a permanent repetitive state.
- Subjectivity: Feature of a system that allows it to assess the value of a content regarding its internal set of capabilities.
- Synergy: Aggregate of the interactions between two or more systems performing together plus the interactions of each system.
- System: Group of parts that hold relations and perform together.
- Time Row: Subjective assessment of a system regarding the sequence of an interaction.
- TOI: Theory of Interaction. Focuses on interactions: fleeting events between couples of entities.
- Vertical Interaction: Interaction with systems on a different dimensional scale of existence: supra or subsystems. Also fractal interaction.
- YDOR: Graphical representation of an interaction instance.