Bad guys are just protecting the environment. Better than good guys.

There are two ways of getting profit from the environment: to build and to destroy (yes, destruction can be very profitable). A person can be constructive and make profit (earn money by helping others, satisfying other’s needs, creating products or services that help keeping the environment stable, etc.). A person...

Evil Does Not Exist

Mathematically, it is posible to make a relationship between the concepts of goodness and evil and the state of a system. This is how. Entropy is an index related to the probability of a system to reach a certain state. States of high probabilities are said to have high entropy...

Customers and Systems Theory

A new independent service, a freelance, for example, is always hard to start. Even if the freelancer is a competent professional on his discipline, there are no clients at the beginning. There are no resources, no product, no services, no way of making customers know that they have a new...

La Importancia Del Objeto

Este es un extracto pequeño del libro que escribo actualmente, relacionado con la teoría de sistemas. La teoría de sistemas no está bien desarrollada en la actualidad, por lo cual gran parte del libro está dedicada a complementarla. Pero con este extracto, creo que os daré una idea de por...


The absolute law of our universe is causality. Causality is the ability of all systems to output a proper reaction to any input action (action-reaction or cause-consequence are the same). Causality is not a sequence of abstract facts. It is a sequence of events related always to a system. Not...

Order And Chaos Theory

The only order theory -incomplete- that we have as of now comes from the Systems Theory, and essentially from the Theory of Interaction, a branch of it that describes the dynamics of systems. If there is a theory of everything, that is the systems theory. Because everything that can be...

What Is a Crisis

Believe it or not, the concept that you are going to learn will make you understand why economic crisis raise, and the opposite, why economic prosperity raise. And you may even learn how do money is earned. I’m not joking. If you are an economist, you have even more interest...

The Biggest Mistake Of Human Nature

Recently, I saw the film “An Honest Liar”. A documentary story of the magic-skeptical James Randi. All his life he tried to convince people that people like Uri Geller were just doing tricks. In spite of that, a lot of people believes until this days that Uri Geller had supernatural...

Systemic Thinking

In this blog, we always talk about action and reaction, or the Theory of Systems. And we also say that reaction tends to point always to the origin of the action, or the Theory of Interaction. Here we will see how this theories are applicable to the most trivial events...

Existence Is Relative

We are used to understand existence as objective and absolute. In our understanding -even scientific understanding-, things may exist even if we don’t know about them. Things exist if they exist into time and space, that is, if they occupy an space and persist for some time. This can be...

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